Monday, January 15, 2018

Time Management

Quartz Clock (Wikipedia)

When I think of what I do for time management, I have a few things in mind. When I see problems that seem daunting, I break them up into pieces and take them one step at a time. It's kind of like avoiding biting off more than you can chew. I do still have a problem with procrastination though. Whenever I try to work on something that isn't due soon I end up getting into an internal struggle of "I'll be really busy by the time I have to work on this so I might as well do it now" versus "If I can do it tomorrow I won't do it today!", so I read two articles about procrastination.

How to Beat Procrastination by Caroline Webb: I like the idea of pre-committing. It's true that when I tell people I'm going to do something I feel more obligated to actually start. Not sure if it would apply to everyone though. I also like the idea of tying the first step to a treat, in case I get to the point where I'm even procrastinating about taking one step.

Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination by Peter Banerjea: Focusing on high priority tasks is a good idea. Splitting up tasks by priority helps tell you what to focus on first in case you've got a lot on your plate. I also think that imagining the negatives of not getting something done will make me a lot more active towards getting something done. That doesn't mean I wouldn't procrastinate for some time though, it just means I wouldn't do so for longer than I'd be able to.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tyler! I think that splitting up your tasks is a really great idea. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all of the steps a project might require or I get overwhelmed by all of the things and different elements I have to study for an exam. I think it's really cool that you have found a way to manage your time that works for you because finding what works for you is the biggest obstacle to overcome.
