Friday, January 12, 2018

Introduction to a Computer Scientist

Changsha Concert Hall (Free Great Picture)

Hi! My name is Tyler and welcome to my (second) blog! I'm a Computer Science student here at OU (you could probably guess this from the title of the post). I'd say the most interesting thing about Computer Science is that it requires a lot of thinking outside the box. There are a lot of approaches to tackling any given problem. My favorite class I took last semester is actually linear algebra. My teacher was nice enough to hand out printed notes to go over during lecture, which made learning the material really easy since I didn't have to do the whole 'write now think later' thing. Over break, I planned to go to New York City, since I usually go every year, but plans changed and I ended up staying home, but if you saw my Favorite Place post already you would know I didn't mind. If you had anything interesting you did over break, go ahead and mention it in your comments; I think it'd be neat to see what everyone else did!

Anyways, I spent a lot of this break sleeping ,refining my piano skills, and drawing. Speaking of that, my hobbies include drawing, playing piano, playing guitar, playing video games, and sleeping. Recently, I've been playing Mario Odyssey and I have to say that it's a really impressive gem of a game, really takes me back to my childhood playing Super Mario 64 and Sunshine.

Some goals that are important to me include getting better at drawing and piano. I practice drawing every day and learn new songs on piano often. These goals aren't too clearly defined though so I've considered establishing more concrete goals and sticking to them (such as practicing piano or drawing x hours a day).

Since I play piano, it makes sense for me to enjoy piano music so here's one of my favorite pianists playing:


  1. Hi Tyler! That is so admirable that you’re a computer science major, I have heard that it is a super difficult one! I have definitely heard lots of complaints about linear algebra as well; I saw all of my friends struggle every day in the bizz while taking that class. That’s so cool that you go to New York City every year! Wow, that’s so great that you’re so artistic in multiple areas.

  2. Being able to include music in blog posts is one of my favorite parts of blogging, Tyler! And the video you included there is lovely: can you play music like that? What a wonderful thing to be able to do! Between your digital interests AND drawing AND piano AND video games, I hope this will be a good class for you. And sleeping is good for creativity too, ha ha. Maybe you will want to explore the Indian musical tradition; they have some fascinating instruments, like the santoor (video in announcements. And now I am subscribed to the marasy8 YouTube channel for more lovely music: thank you!

  3. Hey Tyler! That's so cool that you play the piano! I taught myself to play the piano a few years ago with the help of Youtube but I haven't played it in awhile. I also spent my break sleeping and hanging out at home cause like you, home is one of my favorite places. Mario is the best! I still like to play Super Smash Bros from time to time. I don't if you've been to CollegeCon here at OU but if you want to play video games, I know they will definitely have a bunch of tournaments there.

  4. Hi Tyler! I love that you play piano and draw as well. One of my favorite hobbies growing up is piano. I recently stopped playing as much this year and reading about how you play every day really inspires me to pick it back up again! Anyways, Thanks once again for sharing a little bit about who you are! I am excited to see where your project takes you!

  5. Hi Tyler! Hats off to you for your artistic abilities, My friends would tell you what wouldn't I do to have an artistic bone in my body. I am not joking when I saw I have, still do, will forever only be able to make stick figure drawings. I can only imagine what all you will do with your computer science degree, not only does it sound like you are a person of many capabilities, but you also have a creative brain to go with it. I have never been able to be interested in ever playing an instrument, and I have to say I wish I could play the piano, but you know it is really cool that you can do so many things. Can't wait to read your stories!

  6. Hello Tyler. A friend of mine is in computer science and it most certainly does require some outside the box thinking. It’s great to have professor who will bring printouts for their class! I too stayed home over break. I bought a violin over break and started attempting to learn it. Sadly, I haven’t had much time to try practicing since school started. I also really enjoyed the music linked, the pianist is truly talented.

  7. Wassup Tyler, I too am a computer science major. My schedule is weird because of how I took my classes, so I have been in three different graduating classes main courses throughout my time here at OU. I am sure we have had class together before. I also play the saxophone and can play the guitar, I am trash at the guitar though. I love the sound of the piano though and how many beautiful chords you can make with it, never give it up.

  8. Hey there, Tyler!

    I think it awesome that you are so involved with playing the piano and refining your skills. I used to take piano lessons when I was younger, but I ultimately lost interest. I think that is the one skill that I really regret not learning. I used to also play the N64 when I was young. I remember spending countless hours as a kid playing Mario Kart with my older brothers. That brings back a lot of great memories.

  9. Hi Tyler!
    I was in piano lessons when I was little and my parents let me quit. I wish they would've pushed me to stick with it because I think it's such a beautiful instrument to play.
    I'm sorry plans changed and you didn't end up going to New York. At least you have been before and, hopefully, can go back soon! I have never been there and it is on my bucket list of places to visit.
    I took a class over the break, had a lot of doctor appointments, and got to go to Colorado for a few days which was nice!
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. I love the piano. I was in lessons when I was younger but my instructor moved to a different town and she was the only one in my town who taught piano. I wish I can pick it up again but with college, it is to hard to find the time! Good luck with your major! Computer science is a tough major but you got this!

  11. Hey Tyler! It is really neat to see that you are so musically gifted, being able to play multiple instruments. I tried to learn the guitar one summer and got a few songs down decent but after not practicing for a few months I totally lost it. It was funny to read about you playing Mario because I too thought it looked a lot like super Mario and sunshine on the game cube. Well good luck on the rest of the semester.

  12. Hey Tyler! im super jealous that you can play piano. Ever since i was a kid, my parents tried to make me learn it but i was never interested. And now i'm regretting my decision that i made as a kid. I used to also play the N64 when I was young. I remember spending countless hours as a kid playing smash bros with my friends! Good luck and I look forward to read your future stories.

  13. Hey Tyler! I think computer science seems like such an interesting major, but I don't think I would be very good at it. My brother wanted to go into computer science, but he actually never was able to finish school. He wanted to go into game design, but I know there's a ton of other things that you can do in that major! Good luck this semester!

  14. Hello!

    First off, love the piano music that you added. I study Japanese so it was nice to see the Japanese title. I love listening to piano instrumentals and cello instrumentals. I used to play violin but have always wanted to learn the cello, and I was never very good at the piano! I'm an MIS major, but have met a few who are majoring in CS and it seems very interesting! Good luck this semester and I hope to listen to more of your piano recommendations in the future!

  15. Hey Tyler, you mentioned that this is your second blog. Does that mean you took the Mythology and Folklore class last semester? I took Mythology and Folklore class last semester so we might have already commented about each other once. I think it is cool that you can play the piano. I never learned to play any instruments when I was younger and now it seems confusing to me. I stopped taking music classes after elementary school so I would need to go relearn how to even read sheet music. It sounds like you are having a great semester and good luck in your classes!

  16. Hey Tyler,
    Really cool that you're a Comp. Sci Major. that's a major I think I would've enjoyed if I was able to handle the math involved. Piano is a great thing to learn and I keep telling myself that one day i'll learn to play the piano and read music, but who know's if i'll ever put the time in. Good luck this semester.

  17. Hi Tyler! I don't know how many other free credit hours you have left but you should really think about taking Art Therapy as fun class. For me it counts as an upper division credit so that's even better. My class is only once a week for three hours and we spend the whole class period drawing in our sketchbooks. We get to draw and use whatever media we want in our drawings. Let me know if you have any questions about the class!

  18. Hey Tyler! I'm jealous that you know how to play the piano. My mom always tried to get me to learn as a child since she loves to play, but I was stubborn for some reason and neglected it. Now I think about how calming it would be to just sit back and play piano. I too love Mario games and my roommate just got us a game cube so we have been playing random Mario games like Superstrikers. If you ever get the chance to play you should!

  19. Hi, Tyler! Thanks so much for sharing some of your story with us. I totally relate on the topic of practicing piano! I am a vocal music education major here at OU, and piano is my secondary instrument. So, I am always practicing too. But, I would not have it any other way. I’ll be looking forward to reading more on your blog throughout the semester. Best of luck and happy until!

  20. Hey Tyler! I was also in linear algebra last semester! I wonder if we had the same professor? It was honestly the best math class I have taken so far and helped reinforce the concepts I use in my other engineering courses. It is good to see that someone else enjoyed that class. Also, that piano piece is really good. It is great that you have hobbies you enjoy that much!

  21. Hey Tyler! As someone who spends as much time sleeping as they possibly can, I can relate to your love of sleeping. I used to play Mario Sunshine all the time when I was a kid, and I bought a N64 a few years ago so I play Mario 64 every now and then. Good luck the rest of the semester!

  22. Hey Tyler! I also had linear algebra last semester. Did you Have Nick Davidson? He was my professor and he also handed out printed notes. I’m pretty jealous of you getting to play Mario Odyssey. I have been wanting to play that game since it released, but unfortunately I don’t have a Switch. Best of luck to you in finishing up your degree!

  23. Hi Tyler, you have some fun hobbies. I think it is so cool that you can play so many instruments. I always wished I had learned growing up. Now I feel like I have no time. Computer Science seems like a very complicated and yet a fun major. I hate math, we have never gotten along. Good luck finishing up!

  24. Hi Tyler, It is nice to meet you! It sounds like you have artistic abilities and skills from playing the piano and drawing. How long have you been playing the piano and drawing? I know there are several classes here at OU that students can take like art therapy and piano lessons, which something you could be interested in taking in future semesters! I wish you all the best this semester as it draws near the end. Good luck!

  25. Hi Tyler! Wow I am so impressed by your abilities and skills. I played piano for nine years from elementary school through the beginning of high school. I so appreciate and am thankful for the fine arts and those involved, specifically here at OU. That's so cool that you enjoy computer science. I commend you for taking that activity on because I could not handle that! Hope your semester is going well! Thank you for sharing with us.

  26. Hi Tyler. I'm a CS minor myself; I think coding is one of those really underrated professions; I love the feeling of getting a piece of code to work, and I'm surprised more people don't enjoy it. I haven't played Super Mario Odyssey yet, but as soon as I get a job and a Switch, its on my bucket list - glad to hear more good reviews for it!

  27. Hi Tyler great introduction! You have a lot of hobbies and passions despite having such a difficult major and that's very impressive. Computer science is super difficult, and I have tried coding, but could never wrap my head around it. Good luck with the last few weeks of school and with refining your piano skills.

  28. Hey Tyler, it's nice to meet you. I think coding is really cool, I've taken a couple courses on it as technical electives for my major. I think if I had known how great it was before I started at OU I would have just majored in CS rather than Mechanical Engineering. Like Nate above, I haven't had the opportunity to plan Super Mario Odyssey yet, but I'm planning on it once I get a Switch!
