Thursday, January 11, 2018

Favorite Place: Home

When I think of favorite places, a few come to mind, but the one that comes first is my own house. It feels like home is one of the only places where I can fully relax and get to work on things that require a lot of concentration. I also have hobbies that I only have the chance to practice while I'm at my house (piano, guitar, etc.), so I really enjoy spending time here. Last but not least, I'm fortunate enough to have a loving family to live in this house with!

(House Picture: Public Domain Pictures)


  1. As someone who works from home (the power of online learning!), I can totally relate to what you say here, Tyler! And how great that music is one of your hobbies: the musical traditions of India are very ancient and beautiful, so maybe that is something you will want to explore in the class this semester! :-)

  2. Hi Tyler! That is so admirable that you’re a computer science major, I have heard that it is a super difficult one! I have definitely heard lots of complaints about linear algebra as well; I saw all of my friends struggle every day in the bizz while taking that class. That’s so cool that you go to New York City every year! Wow, that’s so great that you’re so artistic in multiple areas.
