Sunday, April 8, 2018

Learning Challenge: Happiness Jar revisited

Heart in a jar (Dreamstime)

Surprise! I've been keeping track of all the things I thought made me happy for the past two months or so. Looking through it, it's mostly stuff like "finally finishing x homework" or "buying a new x" though, haha. But more importantly to me, whenever I draw stuff I write down what I'm drawing in my journal. I write down how far I've gotten and what I want to do next, etc. I know these aren't things that explicitly make me happy on their own, but when I look back at these, I feel like I've achieved a lot since then. I can really see my own growth in the palm of my hand. I save old artwork too (though I've always done that) and it's always fun to look through and remind myself how far I've made it. It kind of inspires and motivates me to push even farther. I recommend everyone try this with their hobbies, actually.

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