Sunday, April 1, 2018

Growth Mindset: Another Article Again

'Brain Training' (Mind Lab Pro)

This time I read 25 Simple Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset by Saga Briggs

Although I expected the list to fall in quality by the 25th due to listing 25 things being difficult, it stayed strong all along. Just goes to show there's a lot to talk about when it comes to achieving and maintaining a growth mindset. Reading through these 'tips' is like reading a summary of all the other growth mindset articles and videos I've read and watched, with one addressing brain plasticity, another addressing the use of the word 'yet', and one discussing the redefining of 'genius'. One thing I'd like to note about 23, taking risks in the company of others, is that it also helps against procrastination. I read that you become more obligated to finish a task if you tell people around you that you're going to do that task. The only tip I didn't really get was 17, which says to separate learning from "brain training". What's brain training? Maybe some kind of mental exercise over stuff you already know, like math homework?


  1. Tyler,

    It seems like this was a great article and I may just take a look at it for myself for my own extra credit this evening. I can definitely relate to the fact that things get done if you announce them. I was actually studying with a friend on Friday and she tapped out saying she was going to submit her assignment as is. I told her I did not want to turn in my assignment as is because I knew that I would not get the grade I was looking to earn. Because I said the aloud, I finished my assignment and so did she. Without her there, we both would have given up much sooner.

  2. I think brain training is like memory exercises. Things you are doing just to keep you mentally sharp rather than learning new materials. It could also be getting at studying things you already know versus learning new things.
