Sunday, March 4, 2018

Learning Challenge: Time Management Article

Stopwatch (Wikipedia)

I read 'Being Busy Is Killing Our Ability To Think Creatively' by Derek Beres

What I knew going into this was that distracting yourself was a bad thing for productivity. I didn't know that distracting yourself and being busy all the time could deeply affect your creativity, but it makes sense in hindsight. The article gives some suggestions on how to disconnect from all these things making us busy, such as taking a long walk or doing stuff that isn't that intellectually demanding. I think I'll take a few sporadic breaks everyday from now on and turn to my canvas so I can keep my creativity up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tyler! I am definitely aware of this simply because of my own experience. I struggle much more with my stories when I have a busy week. It's almost as though my creativity shuts down. I may look into reading this as my own extra credit this week as I have a very busy week ahead! Thanks for sharing!
